Favorite Flavor: Peanuts & Cherries
Tell Us About Yourself
I’m a rancher, hunter, angler, conservationist, and mentor. My whole life revolves around seasons and being in the outdoors. I’m super social so I love to invite people out to do all the fun nature based things with me, which has led to becoming a mentor. My life mission is to get people deeply connected to nature. I want help as many people as I can to understand that nature is not a place that you go visit — we are a part of it, we carry it with us, we are nature.
What's One Thing That You Think Everyone Should Try Once?
I think everyone should try camping and try to camp for at least 4 nights straight.
I’m proud of the conservation work that I get to do both on the ranch and at a national level with Trout Unlimited. I’m proud of the friendships that I have made in my life, my friends are the best. I’m proud of all of the folks that I have mentored, they took the time to get out there with me. But, most important are my kids — I’m proud of my kids and my family. Oh yeah, and I’m proud to be a Texan — best country on the planet.
Check out Josh's Work:
Spoke Hollow
Trout Unlimited
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