Favorite Flavor: Original
Tell Us About Yourself
I was born and raised in Alta, Utah. These fertile grounds allowed me to be free and explore the world at an early age, skiing, biking and climbing around the Wasatch mountains gave me a place to push the limits of my body and mind and I’ve taken those risk management skills into designing and building immersive art at festivals and events all over North America. I’m here to make things more fun, point out the beauty and support others in their Radical Self Expression.
What's One Thing That You Think Everyone Should Try Once?
I can ski just about anything backwards, I’m a great listener, I really care about our planet and all the beings on it. I know that if I can do it, you can do it. If you can do it, we can do it. Let’s get to it!
Join our Collective Members by following us on Instagram, seeing how you stack up against them on Strava, or offsetting as much carbon as you can through the #CARFREECHALLENGE.