Every minute, one garbage truck of plastic gets dumped into our oceans and companies like ourselves are one of the greatest vehicles to combat the plastic crisis at scale. Through the power of collective action, we can inspire systemic and lasting change towards a world with less waste.
Listen to our Co-Founder, Jason Friday, touch on the roll we play in tackling the packaging problem for Plastic Waste Free July:
More On Plastic Waste Free July:
Plastic Waste Free July is a global movement to tackle one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time - the plastic waste crisis. BAR-U-EAT is part of an interview series alongside 15 other consumer brands including Colgate, Path Water, Numi Organic Tea, Clover Sanoma, Brixy, Loliware, Nellie's, Safely, Sambazon, Fair Ware, Soap Box, Banyan Botanicals, Bona Furtuna, and Mighty Nest, to highlight the role of corporate action to drive toward a world with less waste.
Why is this movement important?
We believe that together, we can bring about meaningful change. This campaign is aimed to explore what it means to be a conscious brand managing plastics in the 21st century. What does "good" look like from corporations? How do we bring consumers as part of our sustainability journey?
Your role in Plastic Waste Free July
It takes two to tango! We as brands who are taking steps towards finding the best plastic-free solutions out there need your support as a consumer so that we can reinvest your hard earned dollars back into creating the best packaging solutions out there! Together we can support each other and create a much more sustainable future!
We're so stoked to participate in Plastic Waste Free July's corporate interview series, highlighting how companies can move towards a world with less waste. Shoutout to our wonderful partners Plastic Scorecard, Planet Forward, One Step Closer, and The Disruption Society for putting this all together!
Visit the campaign website here to to learn more: https://plasticscorecard.com/plastic-waste-free-july/

Original Bars
The Original BAR-U-EAT flavor! Once we got this recipe down, we knew we GOT. IT. Simple ingredients like lightly roasted oats, nuts, & seeds witha touch of salt...
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